Media must do better on porn debate

by Emma Rush for ABC Religion and Ethics (1 February 2012)

The media is conspicuously failing to live up to its role with respect to the porn debate. The latest exhibit: recent coverage of Melinda Tankard Reist and her work against pornography.

The great liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill argued that freedom of speech matters because it is through competing views that we approach a better understanding of truth. But we need a variety of views, properly covered, for this result.

Instead, Tankard Reist is consistently portrayed as the right-wing “wowser” (anti-porn) feminist against supposedly left-wing “liberal” (pro-porn) feminists. Character assassination does not count as proper coverage and “liberal” (pro-porn) feminists do not speak for everyone on the left.

 “To be anti-porn does not mean being anti-sex. Rather, it promotes sex in the context of loving relationships. It does not mean “protecting” women from sexuality, although it does critique the increasingly violent and misogynist sexuality promoted by the porn industry.”   


The media is conspicuously failing to live up to its role with respect to the porn debate. The latest exhibit: recent coverage of Melinda Tankard Reist and her work against pornography.

The great liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill argued that freedom of speech matters because it is through competing views that we approach a better understanding of truth. But we need a variety of views, properly covered, for this result.

Instead, Tankard Reist is consistently portrayed as the right-wing “wowser” (anti-porn) feminist against supposedly left-wing “liberal” (pro-porn) feminists. Character assassination does not count as proper coverage and “liberal” (pro-porn) feminists do not speak for everyone on the left.

In an educated society, we should be judging issues on their merits, and not on the basis of the presumed character of the person advocating them. In other words, we should be playing the ball, not the woman. Instead, certain reporters wheel out Tankard Reist’s views on abortion as somehow relevant to her work against porn, immediately disqualifying her as a feminist in the minds of some.

The case against porn made by Tankard Reist is not only reasonable but actively supported by many on the left (about which, more shortly). But as it happens, attempts to smear this case by association with Tankard Reist’s work on abortion turn out to be, not just irrelevant, but brainless as well. So I’m going to say what many don’t dare to.

Precisely what is wrong with Tankard Reist supporting women who would prefer to continue their pregnancy rather than abort? Tankard Reist is only one part of a much more complex picture, which includes second-wave feminists who fought for women’s right to abortion, and to whom I pay due respects. If that right were ever seriously under threat, I would be among many stepping in to defend it.

But I also greatly respect Tankard Reist for her courage in telling the story of those women who have found abortion traumatic and would have preferred that other options were more open to them (see her book Giving Sorrow Words). Since when did standing up for groups of marginalised women (and such women have been marginalised by the mainstream abortion line) disqualify you as a feminist?

If contemporary left-wing feminism can’t cope with that degree of complexity – and what’s more, if it continues to shudder at phantom threats of the loss of the right to abortion while denying the juggernaut of the porn industry – then we’ve got a major problem.

When reporters do actually get around to discussing Tankard Reist’s work against porn, they don’t do much better. The right-wing “wowser”/left-wing “liberal” stereotype structuring much coverage immediately collapses when faced with the reality of her two most recent edited collections: Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls and Big Porn Inc. (with co-editor Abigail Bray). Publisher of both, Spinifex Press, couldn’t by any stretch of the imagination be described as right-wing.

In both books, writers from varied political backgrounds work in coalition to confront the impacts of ever-more-thorough commodification of the human body. Have journalists even bothered to consult the tables of contributors for these books, just a few mouse-clicks away? Since it appears not, and as a result anti-porn views from the left are all but absent from the coverage, allow me to say a few words.

The implicit “right to porn” associated with the “liberal” line is only one view from the left. Here are some others. Children and adolescents have a right to psychologically healthy development. We all have a right to a public sphere which is free from images suggesting that some human beings exist solely for the (implied) pleasure of others. The survivors and victims of the lucrative porn production industry have a right to a genuine array of life choices.

Faced with this last, porn apologists point to the DIY porn genre, created and shared among consenting adults, without any commercial transactions involved. What could possibly be wrong with that? One response, open to people across the political spectrum, is that porn per se chronically misses the point of sex: unique intimacy.

To be anti-porn does not mean being anti-sex. Rather, it promotes sex in the context of loving relationships. It does not mean “protecting” women from sexuality, although it does critique the increasingly violent and misogynist sexuality promoted by the porn industry.

Complicity with the commercial porn industry’s treatment of human beings as merely a means to the consumer’s ends is clearly wrong. DIY porn created or used as “self-help” material seems to be something more like foolish.

Memo to media professionals: please, lift your game.

Dr Emma Rush is a lecturer in ethics and philosophy at Charles Sturt University and a contributor to Getting Real: Challenging the sexualisation of girls.